How to install Plesk on Windows Server

How to install Plesk on Windows Server

Published on: 07 September 2021

Hosting Plesk WIndows


Plesk is a payment tool for managing your web space, available for both Windows and Linux operating systems. It provides a suite for the management of your webserver, including FTP services, mailing, DNS management and, in case of further needs, many extensions with which to expand the functionality of the tool.

One Click Installation

One of the fastest ways to install and enable Plesk on your server is to use the oneclick installation. To do so, first, log into the server with the RDP. Then, download the Plesk installer and, from the windows terminal, move the workspace into the folder where you saved the installation file.

Finally, run the following command:

plesk-installer.exe --select-product-id=panel --select-release-latest --installation-type=recommended

A complete installation of the latest version of PLESK will follow, with all the basic functions integrated (accessory features can be integrated ever after installation). The installation may take up to an hour.

Installation from the Windows console

To install via command prompt, follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the server with root credentials
  • Download the Plesk installer
  • Open the Windows prompt and move the workspace to the directory where the downloaded file is placed
  • Start the installer with the command
    plesk-installer.exe --console

Through this procedure the latest stable version of Plesk will be installed on your server. To choose a different version, follow a more specific installation by typing the command:

plesk-installer.exe --console --all-versions

You will be requested whether you want to add some advanced preferences to the installation. To access it, simply enter the ‘S’ character and press Enter.

Plesk offers different types of installations:

  • Recommended is the most complete package of basic services for webhosting
  • Complete is the installation containing all the Plesk features, including ancillary ones. Obviously, it is the one that requires more time and space to be completed.
  • Custom is the installation that allows you to individually select each feature to be used on Plesk.

Remember that no decision is irreversible: it is possible to remove or add new components even after the first installation of Plesk.

Installation on Windows via the WEB interface

To have a better choice of Plesk components to install, opt for the product installation via the web graphical interface

To proceed, follow these steps:

  • Log in to the server with root credentials
  • Download the Plesk installer
  • Open the Windows prompt and move the workspace to the directory where the downloaded file is located
  • Start the installer with the command
    plesk-installer.exe --web-interface

As in the case of the console installation, through this procedure the latest stable version of Plesk will be installed on your server. To choose a different version, follow a more specific installation by typing the command:

plesk-installer.exe --web-interface --all-versions

Once the interface is open, select a language and proceed with the installation of Plesk. There will be several choices of preferences and installation options, which can be chosen step by step, or opt for the normal recommended installation.

Plesk Windows installation


Plesk should now be properly installed and configured for your Windows server.